
Thursday, 16 January 2014

Text design

First of all i created this text piece by writing it out by hand scanning it into illustrator and refining the edges and shape of the wording.

i then added brush strokes of computing primary colours (Red Green Blue) as i prefer green to yellow as yellow seemed a bit to bright.

i then placed the colour behind the text to add a background to the design.

then just out of curiosity i used yellow in to replace green and as i thought it was to bright for the design and didn't fit in well.

i also tried to make the colour part of the text with a clipping mask but i didn't like this idea as much as the first so i continued to experiment further with the first design.

i added extra strokes with a different brush with other colours i only show purple here as it was the best and i still don't think this is fit for printing.

then i discovered something really weird to do out of random experimentation with different brushes i found a leaf brush that put leaves in a random order across the page then i sad that i could add a fraying effect to the quite blocky colours and as i thought they were a little to vibrant i did it quite a lot making the colour about half a visible as it was before.

i then warped the Y of the text just to add a sharpness to the design. i am happy with the way my design turned out as it isn't quite what i expected it to be like at all but i absolutely love the way it looks.

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